This is for the guys who revel in bulging their wallets with credit cards. Are you a guy who pays the minimum monthly payment on time? Then you may not have confronted guys who are termed as 'debt collectors', you may not have got any honey combed calls regarding the excess amount you have to pay nearing what you have actually spent. This is a film which gives us a detailed look of excessive credit card debts and how financial institutions make profit out of that. Well, the whole story is about how things go in America, though things are getting scary in India too with most MNCs pushing their gas paddles. It gives us an inside look into the modern financial industry, revealing the industry's drivers and the effects excessive debt can have on customers.
Well, this is a documentary, but i would say more than a docu, mostly hilarious through out the story, also giving us a deep thouht before swiping the card. The film goes like taking different case studies of different persons who got affected by excessive debts. The sequence is well scripted with how the so called financial institution lures the customer into its trap promising lot of offers and then targetting the less than perfect pay backers. Guys, i think this is high time to think before swiping the card. The fact is that the less perfect customers are the most profitable to the financial institution. This film could be an eye opener for us(esp. techies, who are the most targeted). Please watch this film. nothing can go wrong in wasting(i dont think so) a few hours of you weekend.
"I swear by my life and my love of it that I'll never live for the sake of another man, nor expect another man to live for mine"
Friday, August 10, 2007
After a long Hiatus
Suddenly started getting appreciation for my blogs(enakku vekkam vekkama varuthu) from some of my friends, that i remembered about it(thanks guys). Like everyody else I wanted to boast my vocabulary and my creativity(that's what they said.. i have good vocabulary and creativity), so decided to change my blogsite's name. Changing my Blogsite's name was a bit perplexing. Tried with different names(chocolatebox being my favourite) but ended up with this. Hope my friends like this. From now on I should keep my blog updated( hey! serious man.. this is not my new year resolution)... keep waaaaatching out guys for some really serious blabberings...
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