Saturday, August 25, 2007

Today a question: I ask the same question tyler asked....Which is more noble? Allowing a pair of pandas to live off of this land knowing that they will never procreate and their species will go extinct or "rescuing" the pandas and forcing copulation for a steady wave of camera toting tourists?
Another Interesting movie... Fight Club.. I was exactly in the same mood yesterday.. totally down.. even my gf, who usually has no work, dumped me coz she got some f* tickets to solve.. dropped early out of office... stopped at trinethra and picked some apples and went home to the comfort of extremely thin couch. That was one hell of a movie.. dont know how i missed it.... one particular interesting thing in that movie.. Brad Pitt aka Edward Norton gives an assignment to his club members that every one should pick up a fight with a total stranger... hmmm.. I might end up punching my boss, next my gf's brother, next all of those starers( whoa! what a name! for those who stare at any one unabashing...) list goes on... this thing is for day it might happen... but suddenly i was back to my reality when my gf called me o pick her up... now I wish.... you know what :)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Deathly hallows...

Just happened to read Harry Potter, the last book(huh! atlast)... just

captivating enough.... but i couldn't stop wondering whether
ramanarayanan missed the chance of his life...( His trade mark stuff...
A soul being split and stuffed into souvenirs... bla bla)... but for
harry's fans...( not you maaapla ...never
would be a fan for ya.... ofcourse except in orkut.. which some how you
managed to get.. or did you made a patch in orkut fans software).. a
treat.... but, a req to hollywood producers.. pls stop producing the
series.... really horrible.. leave it to the imagination of minds...