Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Predictable Irrationality over Chapatis!!!

Being adept at myself being a guinea pig for my wifes dangerous culinary experimentations which might lead me almost to an irresistible instinct to disapparate, let me explain the concept of predictable irrationality. Predictable irrationality is

When you face a situation of eating neolithic chapatis, you are bound by your reactional mind to shy away from them, then you look at your wife, who looks at you, which says it all-How much pain she had endured in making those chapatis really neolithic, and you are bound to eat them, even your rational mind prefers other alternatives by doing a Cost benefit analysis on getting a mouth ache or breaking some of your teeth, considering the even more cost of soothing her.

Here is one more serious example:

When your company gives you gifts such as a company branded bag, even though you dont need it, you line up for the gift, which many of you think as completely rational, because you may think that the bag may come in handy some times later and refusing the bag may result in unfavourable opinion from your bosses or even your Peers.

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