Thursday, November 23, 2006

Well! The decet recent movie ever in Tamil this season

Well a review by one of my friends..about a moview which was claimed decent for this season's relaease... I hate posting movie reviews... what to do..
Here it goes

Hi all,

Yesterday I had the opportunity (or say the fate ) of watching the tamil movie "E" literally translated as " THE FLY".
The movie, in itself, with all the hype regarding BioTechnology, BioWar etc was seeming quite OK, atleast from the trailers ,posters,and reviews and eventually I never expected the "Jatka" after seeing the movie, esp. coz my last movie was "Casino Royale".

To start with, the movie is based in slums of Chennai (As if Bihar & UP are not poor enough ). Suddenly the (anti)Hero : Jeeva in this case, gets beaten up by police and then the next moment he there in the streets jumping around with girls clad in microminio (I still don't know what that girl was doing - well u will get to see this song in all music channels soon). By this time the much needed heroine in tamil films has already entered (Nayantara) the scene. She is a bar dancer and lives nextdoor to "E".The start was not that boring with some excellent Camera work and some good dialogues. Even the acting was quite good by almost all the actors.

So as the story goes, our hero, an orphan, lives around doing small crimes and dreams of making it big...well this part sucks..what I mean by making it big is big crimes like smuggling, murder etc. Even this part is digestable considering that our hero had the privilage of having an extremely bad past ( as if its new in Indian films). And then as he hangs around our Villian Dr Ramakrishnan (Ashish Vidyarthi) enters the slums. He projects himself as s sort of "social serverce guy" who is providing free medical service, while in reality he would be using the poor, uneducated slum dwellers as guiana pigs for his weird experiments. Now again there is another Nurse hanging around this doctor and as the story progress this nurse can be seen here an there with lesser and lesser dress. ( even nayantara was overtaken in some scenes ).. The funniest part was that every time the nurse injects the syringe into some poor guys body a superb graphics piece pops up showing blood vessls and haemoglobins and the poisonous medicine mixing with the blood streem. First time it was OK, but imagine seeing this same stupid piece 10-20 times..well you will have to bear this through out the movie and as the movie nears its end more graphics will come. You will definitley feel the nostalgia of "sakthiman and starwars"..

And then one more character enters the scene. Nellai Mani (Pasupathy), a naxalite, who is after the Doctor to kill him and to save the poors from the international mafia ..yeh you heard it the middle of the movie, things goes to international level with FBI and team searching for this Nellai Mani. But you don't have to be clairvoyant to predict that Nellai mani will end up with "E" at some point of story and there will be a "knowledge transfer" of all the tricks and tips from the master to student. :))... Well luckily all these things are covered in a stupid flashback song (after Nellai mani's death). Thankgod director is unaware of "Mask of Zorrow"!!

So as the director tries all combinations to keep the story moving, like nellaimani trying to kill doctor, doctor trying to kill nellai (ofcourse using E's help), and "E" messing around here and there, and Nayantara showing her belly , you will be happy to see the sign "Intermission"..

As the movie enters its other half, Now I was getting totally pissed off, really hoping that something will happen in second half. So another song happened..what else can you expect.

Now slowly the director, tells the audience all the nonsense about biowar, in a laymans point of view, (well it is appreciable, but exaggerrated). I am not going in to details like the poilce serching Nellai Mani, police announcing prize money, doctor offering 10lacs for nellai's death etc...but in the end Nellai is wounded badly in a encounter and Jeeva helps him to a hideout. Even though E's initial intentions are crooked , he will eventually end up being a follower of the fight for the "good cause". There are some fight sequence ( why these fights always happen in RAIN, I guess people fight in Chennai only during the months of Oct-Nov ).

After this there are some good graphic sequence like the Doc's medical lab ( more or less a 3D copy of Dexter's and Mojojojo's labrotory --well does anybody watch Dexter and powerpuff girls..well they are far better and they getover in 1/2 Hr. And best of all you can always switch off the TV if u want ).

The climax was fast. Nellai dies, Nayantara leaves Jeeva, Jeeva kills Doctor and then he is shown in Krissh like setting jumping like a monkey on top of a building. ..

Well thats "E" for you. If you still dare to experiment , well you can try it, but be very very careful...your girlfriend/boyfriend ( who ever paid for the ticket) might actually end up hanging themselves. Infact I felt that you can watch a live FLY for 3Hrs or for that matter you can watch any insect but "E" is waste of time especially if you are in genre of people watching movies once in a fortnight for relaxation.

Friday, November 17, 2006

A tribute to Tolkien

And his master piece..infact two masterpieces, The Hobbiton and the Lord of the Rings. What made me write this? Was it the excellent stroy telling by the maestro himself? or the incredible imagination that he emulates on our minds? or I was too involved.. It has been quite a long time since I read the book( I cant forget those days, maybe I can say it as one of the main reasons for my sixth sem flunk).... "You gotta be really nuts to read such a huge book", My friends used to say.
As for me, the book was a bible, as it triggers imagination out of bounds..creating a sense of aura around you, feelling one among the characters, you could be Aragon or Logolas or Eomer..or even Gimli save his long beard.. I know this post is outdated, but I really liked to give a go as a tribute to the master storyteller.
When the LOR trilogy was released by peter, I was overwhelmed and also disappointed to see what I had imagined. Credits to him, that the picturization almost came upto the imagination, except for the sheer size...ofcourse you couldn't expect all the weird things you think to be realised. One thing I was always sceptic about Tolkien is that did he write the novel keeping europe in his mind, coz the map of the middle earth almost resemble the europa and the middle east.. This could lead to further debates like if the middle earth resembles Europe( or the western world here), then who are they fighting with.. the middle east?.. When you look at the minute deatils of the map, You could find that the land of death valley has oil spurts at places, covered with ash.. does it hit u with oil reserves of the middle east?
Man.. this is getting serious.. I'll stop with this. this is the problem with me.. I started this praising tolkien ending up as his critic..
But Tolkien always denied any allegerical motif to the dangers of the present or the appeasement of the leveling effects of modernism. Tolkien being a post Imperial writer, you might be tempted to think that he might be lamenting on the gradually losing glory of the old england.. We could also make a silly comparison of the hobbits to the europeans.. living peacefully, unarmed, Protected by the Rangers of the north,yet can rise to the occasion, if the situation demands. we could also level up more comparison. but as of now end this up , will be continuing in the next post...........

Thursday, November 16, 2006

God damn my machine!

My draft blog was shaping well .. and my stupid box started its protest.. and suddenly all my two hours of thinking was gone with the wind.. some times it hurts when it goes suddenly.. your several hours of hard worked write-ups not even saved as drafts.. damn it.. lemme save this first.. yup..done!
Thanks to my holy trinity( not the christian one, but the most popular one, The Procrastination, Unaccountability and Irresponsibility).. for it extended my stay in stuttgart.. I was thankful that I could earn a little more, and I cursed them that I have to wait a week more to see my love...

And my extended stay allowed me to explore one more place, The Neuchsweistein castle, and I am not gonna say the melodrama that happened at the foot of the falls.
We started last saturday early at 0700 hrs, with our usual trekking pack. Our destination was Fussen, one God gifted city surrounded by the Alps! God damn those who are in Europe and have not an idea about this city. We got to the Hauptbahnhof at 12:45 pm. The castle was at walkable distance, and yet we hiked a bus :).. Ran through the usual tourism formalities near the castle, and we at last had a glimpse of the breathtaking view.
I don't know much about the castle's history, but for sure it is not a fortress, nor a teutonic castle, but a pleasure p(a)lace for some be-forgotten duke and his duchesses. The castle at once reminded me of the Minas Tirth, the last stronghold of the men of middle ages in LOR, with its high built portico. Also got back some memories of Rivendel, the stronghold of elves (I am sorry what-the-hell-is-LOR guys, It is a story that squeezes every grey cell to build an imagination!) with its beautiful water-falls flowing down from the snowy alpine. And there is a bridge(You have to believe that it is a cantilever...Physics dude!...Physics!! yes, in the land of Einstein!!) connecting the two hills that protect the castle on one side..And the view of the castle from the bridge takes away the breath whatever is left in your lungs!!! :)

Enough with my hobblewobbling history rant. Then we reached the foot of the fall and thats where the real show begun. I, already thirsting for a real adventure, started climbing those steep rocks banking the stream.. and stood proudly on the top of a small hillock, just for a stupid snap. My friends thought it should be easy to climb down and that's were the problem started. The rocks got slippery due to the sudden snowfall and i couldn't even get a hold of the ground ...not too steep but a twelve feet high, I wouldn't die if I jump save a few cracks and bruises.

I was scared deep, but showed a brave smiley( people started watching the melodrama.. and particularly the girls that we stalked throughout the trip, and.... they were pretty.. :) I had to wait till the place is devoid of those beauties...and they left disappointed. My friends turned their attention towards me and I was literally mountain goat and blinking like one... they got what was happening and that was it.. my legs started drumming.. I couldn't even hold the rock.."calm down man, you have handled more than this".. hell... I hadn't even handled a 6 feet hurdle well in my NCC camp.. took my shoes off, wrapped'em round my neck.. slid down the rock. Never thought that it'd cost me 240 €, my ipod went to smitherens..Thank Heavens, that was insured, and I am safe and... the girls were capturing every moment in their handy... Arasiyalla ithellam sagajamappa!

It was already 0400 evening.. found a nice thai.. pounded rice with chicken.. got back home at 0900. One thing I forgot.. karthik copied his predecessors by taking snaps of himself holding the castle like atlas, drinking the whole falls, the same illusion photography thing. Man, he is going to kill me when he reads all of my blogs, esp. the venice one.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Law of the Jungle

sliding to get back to my conscience, i found this short story more intriguing than interesting, not that i got a shocking revelation that i am in the same situation: The story goes like this,
Two guys were hiking through the jungle when they spotted a tiger who looked both hungry and fast. One of them reached into his pack and pulled out a pair of Nikes. His friend looked at him" Do you think those shoes are going to make you run faster than that tiger?"
" I dont have to run faster than that tiger,." his freind replied. " I just have to run faster than You".
Guys, what would u do if i pose a question" what would you do if you were in the same situation?"

This question is really tough to answer. Before answering this question, one question stands banging before us"Are we in a jungle?". Ironically the answer is yes, we are living in a jungle meticulously redoing the above story in every possible way.. but doesn't that mean we are leaving a scape goat behind us to suffer? The problem is we dont even let ourselves think of letting our conscience do the talking. We may argue that " If we live in a jungle, then we have to be like the guy who left his friend suffer, sfter all its us who really matter in the end", but for me, ethos are more important than animal instinct.

Monday, November 13, 2006

How to Quit without Guilt: An interesting article

Hi Friends,

I find a very interesting article in ‘The Hindu’ opportunities of a wedneday. Find below it.

How to quit without guilt

BIDDING adieu to corporate life is as difficult as saying good-bye to your loved ones. Getting into a job is tough but quitting one is tougher. The latter has certain constraints and repercussions, which people often tend to overlook.

Most of us fear the thought of quitting a job. Not because we are not sure of getting a better opportunity but because we just don't want to step out of the comfort zone and the benefits thereof.

People are wary about losing stable salaries, perks and the plushy ambience of their workplace. A regular paycheck gives a sense of financial security that cannot be easily substantiated by any other income. Being a member of a corporate family gives the feeling of being an `insider', which might be lost once you turn into an entrepreneur.

As the stress, competitiveness, and instability of the corporate sector is on the rise, corporate personnel have been considerably turning into entrepreneurs. Sophisticated technology and ample availability of resources are encouraging people to give up the corporate world.

Some of the excuses that you could dabble in to free yourself of a corporate job include:

Lapse in ethics: When you are forced to go against your morals and beliefs, you are made to compromise with your self-respect.

Loss of will to work: When you don't know why you are working and what exactly you are doing it's better to stop working. This could be an indication of an internal problem like depression.

Careless about deadlines: When you are just not serious about your project deadlines, presentations to be made or the happenings in your company.

Looking for excuses: When you start looking for excuses to avoid going to office, calling in sick falsely, reporting late and shirking work by dumping it on somebody, you need to give it second thought.

Identity crisis: When you feel that your boss or your colleagues no longer appreciate your work and that your presence in the office is of no avail.

Don't wanna be like them syndrome: Whenever you see your boss or colleagues you ask yourself `Will I end up doing the same'? And shudder at the thought.

When discriminated: When your efforts go unrecognised and you are a victim of racial or religious discrimination.

Bearing the brunt: When you were made a scapegoat for something that you haven't done, and made to overwork unnecessarily.

Gender discrimination: When you were harassed because of your gender, and your colleagues do not support you.

Most people in the corporate sector, however unhappy they might be with their jobs, do not leave due to several factors like - regular income, the corporate halo that the company might generate, the lavish lifestyle, family pressures, domestic requirements and finally the branded image they have got used to sporting.

So, the next time you feel depressed with feel like an insomniac do not hesitate to excuse yourself from it.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Salary negotiation: tips and strategies

Guys and Gals,
Our contract nearing an end, and those of us hoping for a career shift(bet u are..), Many of us would be wondering what our next salary would be. And this would be hitting ur face harder when you sit infront of your interviewer, posing u a question
"Are you willing to accept a salary within that range?"... And many us dont do a complete analysis before switching over to another company. This article will be focusing on the self analysis of oneself before jumping into action.

The first question would be where and how to start? As for me, the salary negotiation doesn't start in the interview room, but with oneself when u have decided to make a switchover. Many of us have a bad habit of following your predecessor's path in making salary related decisions. That would be like keeping your wrong foot onto the podium. The first thing would be to do a self analysis that how much you are worth. How to do it? Analyse your skill level and expertise at your domain and compare it with the offerings for the same at the outside market.
You may start by including the value of your current pay package and comparing it with the new employer's likely offer and the approximate market rate of pay for the job you're seeking. You must enter salary negotiations with a definite understanding of your expertise and your perceived usefulness to the company. How interchangeable are your skills. What are your strengths? Be sure to factor in the positives in your resume, years of experience etc when valuing your worth.If you are relocating to a new place, you may take into account the relocation expenses, differentials in living expenses, if any, and other expenses you may have to bear when calculating a pay offer. Include savings and contingencies in your budget planning. These facts aren’t unchangeable but they will help you ballpark your initial expectations. You may find it useful to research the company’s hiring history from peers, fellow professionals, website of the company because they might advertise similar positions and mention likely compensation packages too.

Next thing would be the following which for sure would affect your evalauation..... have a look at it guys..

Compensation and benefits - How much more than your current job should the compensation be, be clear that ur pay includes both your salary and incentives...

Location of office and travel - far as we are concerned, we have lived a very sofisticated life, having our affice at city centre.. soo this could also be a critical factor in determining ur evaluation...How much do you want to travel and whether you wish to relocate. If you do, how much will that disturb your current life.
Job-security - As far as Job security is concerned, a company will never lose its precious employee even at the time of depression.. so no need of worrying about job security..
Level of Independence - We have a greater level of independance at our office when compared to other firms.. For me this is very much important.. I'd go for a smaller company that offers me a greater independance and a moderate pay.. so guys.. you've gotta think about this also.. And some other factorsl like your career growth oppurtunities and the company's reputation.. yeah i forgot about ur career growth.. may be I'll add them as an important facto..
Career Growth - The things youve gotta remember are how much ur newfound job would provide u oppurtunities for ur future career prospect.. I know lot of our guys have suffered ending up in the wrong place.. or you might be blinded the compensation offered by the company..
These are some of the factors that need to be decided upon when u jump.I gues thats it from my side.. If you feel there are some more which can do justice.. feel free to ..u know..

Also I found something which might be useful in assessing ur salary evaluations.

Powers of ones thought

Have you ever thought about the powers ones thought ,
I would say the most poewrful thing in this world is ones thoughts
even it is said the universe was created because of a thought,

Jus look around , every man made object that you see around you
is just an manifestation of an human thought ,
the buildings, technology, whatever it may be small or big ..
it was first thought , by an human ie in the mental plane ,
then it came into reality ...
So what one thinks he can achieve it ...
It is so true ..
Thoughts become things ..
What do you say ...

A legal way of Robbing.. guys.. use ur potential in a right way

A legal way of robbing.

Last week I attended a presentation about a business. Most of you have come across it, Referral marketing they call it. Let me give a small overview about that business.

Generally in referral marketing, your investment will be a certain amount that u pay to the company to become an agent. You generate money in that business in two ways. First, by selling their products at a higher margin than what u actually bought it from the company. Second, by referring other persons to market their products, and in turn getting a commission for it. Even when the referred person refers someone else, you will get a share out of it(but the amount will vary, like when you are referring some person you are getting Rs X, if that person refers some person you will get X/2). We call this kind of marketing as MULTILEVEL MARKETING(MLM).The thing i came across is a little bit different and seems to make it more popular than MLM.

Before saying about the differences I will say a little bit about that multinational company. It belongs to a network of a few companies, where each one deals with either technical products or automobiles or tour packages etc. The company of our concern is dealing with numismatic coins. They manufacture gold coins imprinted with great people or events and sell it. To make that coin as a rare piece they destroy the mould. so that they cannot make the coin like that afterwards, good way to make things rare and increase the demand na, the products which we can buy is this only, others are too expensive.

Now we will see the differences. In MLM you have to buy their products every year, where as here if you buy once it is enough. The other strategy is they are following a binary tree like structure where you can refer only two people, and you will get money only if those two people refer another two. So if you have three sales on your left side and three on your right you will get money. The person above you will help you because only if you refer a person he will get money. Clear about the business? ok now we will deal in numbers. The product range starts from Rs 33,000(includes agency fee and product price), and it is a gold coin i suppose, and on every six referrals ( you have to get three on your left and three on your right, you will not get any money for a 4 2 or 5 1 combination) you will get 11,500.

Let us make ourselves clear with the money flow. From where are we getting that eleven thousand or 2000(approx) per referral? Is the company going to pay you from their hand? Absolutely not. Its the money of the person you refer, am i right? Let us assume the best probabilistic event, a perfect binary tree. The hierarchy goes like this 1, 2,4,8,16,32,... How long will it continue, may be up to one crore people. Let us consider it is saturating at that level. How many will be in the last level of that binary tree?? Half right?? i will justify my statement with this example. Consider this tree 1,2,4,8,16. Total no of people is 31. And the no of people in the last level is 16 which is half the total number of people(31).

For one crore people, the number will be 50 Lakh in the last level and 25 lakh in the penultimate level. From where will these 75 lakh people get the money? So the people above them are getting money eventually by robbing others money who are at the last two levels.

Let us take for each person that company is gaining some 1000 rs and also huge share from last two levels will go to the company. You are robbing your own peoples money and giving it to some person outside the nation right? If it is going up to one crore people, minimum of a 10,000 crores will be going outside the country( 1cr*33,000*0.75 ~ 20,000cr. Out of this half,we could consider, would be shared by the 25lakh people above the last two levels.)

I really feel very bad about this, because most of the persons who are involved in this business are from top engineering colleges. In the presentation that I attended, a guy was very proud that he earned lot of money and got a car. I don’t know whether he is aware that he is robbing others money or not. Is this the way to use our potential, think?. don’t rob your own peoples money, keep a share with you and give a share to that company which taught you the strategies how to rob. Think, use your potential in right way.

Government should take action on those who are involved in this. The most the persons who are falling prey in to this are software professionals. Think before you get fooled and stop fooling others.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

please dont go to venice..

This was my most waited and delayed trip. We booked the tour with the Ikarus guys two weeks before, but it got postponed due to unavailability of minimum number of ppl. Atlast they could get the bus filled only this week. Here goes..

Day 04th November 2006:


Again the last minute delays… do not blame me.. It was karthick.. He got some call from one of his US friends and started his katha kalatchepam.. The plan was that the bus would start at 08:00 PM, but it was already 06:00 PM. Atlast I somehow managed to push karthick from the office. We reached home at 06:30 PM. Once entered the room he locked himself in the toilet, acting as if he was completely unaware of the delay. He came out fresh and shaved at 07:00 PM. He looked at me in an expectation that I wouldn’t take bath in due resp. of the delay, but I didn’t want to give it up jus like that and entered the toilet to delay a bit for my part(he he.. can u see two horns and a red tail growing over me)..( meanwhile I had steamed the rice for the supper.. ). I came out at 07:15( I didn’t take bath ..hehe). some how finished the dinner and reached the station at 07:25. We had to reach vaihingen by 08:00. Ive heard it from kumar that it was on the way to the airport and might take some 20 minutes, depending on the availability of traffic at S bahn. “Man..We are not gonna make it” I said to myself “If not, I’d make this senseless idiot pay for this..”.. That mindless faggot was still blabbering something over phone( I think he was then a middleman to some love problem of one of his friends). That lucky bastard escaped, we caught the bus at 07:50. It was cold out there and I’d give anything to get into the bus, and this faggot saw a booth and started scratching his calling card.. I had to stand beside him for the next freezing 10 min.(coz ofcourse he had the ticket..and those ikarus guys were germanically systematic allowing none without their tickets) It seemed that the guy on the other side was not interested in talking anymore.. and thanks to the driver for starting the bus Atlast we boarded the bus

I started scanning the bus for any Indian faces, a sardar, two tamilians from some fucking automobile related company, and some other faces I didn’t recognize( ofcourse they were Indians.. and I couldn’t find what I expected.. L ). We settled on our seats and this maramandai was blabbering mindlessly over his phone.. wow! Ho! Two german girls on the seats infront of us and they were looking at us… ( read this twice). I tried to respond and exactly at this time, karthick finished his big brother activities and looked at the bus suddenly coming to his senses that he is inside a bus( It must be a wonder that he didn’t cry over in astonishment). Those two german girls had another two friends sitting in front row.. . Other than those four girls, Indians and us, others were with their opposite sexes. Suddenly I remembered pre.( Man its been so long since I left) and I don’t know why.

The bus started once everyone got settled into their seats. Me..ofcourse with my ipod. Karthick started talking something which I couldn’t understand even a single word, I had to shake my head for every word he spoke. Suddenly I realized the bus was too crampled. “This journey is going to break my neck” I said to myself. One advice guys.. if u want a comfortable journey.. ikarus is not for ya. After some thirty minutes I switched off my player and tried to catch some sleep, but some fucker started his own version, that too at full sound.” Inniku sivarathiri thaan pola”. They stopped the bus at a highway inn for supper. It was freezingly cold when we stepped out of the bus.. might be sub zero temp. Those girls gathered and started smoking. I looked at karthick.. and he went inside the inn. I followed him.. Inside the inn(Inn is not suitable.. must be said a buffet hall). I was thirsty and I liked to have some thing hot liquid. I ordered for a hot browny( I didn’t know what it was.. but ordered it to the burger king man as if I’ve been having this for eternity J ). I saw the two drivers of our bus having the dinner of their life time(it seemed to me like that..) and I wondered “are we in safe hands?”.

My hot browny arrived..damn it.. it was a chocolate pudding(that too perfect black with very little sugar)..Karthick seemed to be smirking peevishly at me.. again I didn’t want to give up.. I started eating the cake as if I am enjoying every crumble of it( it really sucks u know.. I had to empty half a bottle water to wash it down ). They started the bus half an hour later.. thanks to the hot browny I didn’t feel sleepy thereafter, otherwise I could have missed some real scenarios( I meant the natural one.. J not the ones that happened in the bus..).

The road that we were traveling on was a real high highway.. getting over the alps.. valleys of the mountain.. beautiful. Atlast I caught some sleep when the bus reached Brenner( I don’t know it is Italian or german or Austrian). The raod we travelled was one of the tracks we used to play in NFS 5( to the NFS buffs..The one with lot of tunnels and turnings..I think it comes after the Normandy track, and I felt stupidly proud for this thing)..

Atlast we reached Venice at 6.45 am Sunday. Some 800 km covered at nearly 8 hrs.. man.. that was real fast..I didn’t owe to that fact of the NFS track..

We finished our kaalai kadan at the tourist information centre( ofcourse we paid in euro.. all these information centres are similar atleast in this aspect). One thing was puzzling. I’ve heard that Venice is city on water, and till now we’ve been traveling only by traces of houses having their doors flooded with water..

Atleast that was what I had pictured Venice in my mind. My imagination was shattered when I saw Venice as a normal port city with the smell of the fuel and fish.

But then I tried to condole myself that there are some real nice historical places to visit.

We bought a day ticket( 12 €) valid all throughout the Venice for 24 hrs. We boarded one of those Vaporettis or water buses . San marco is the main tourist attraction of this city. There were two ways to reach it, one was short and another one floating around the city. I suggested we should take the one that goes round the city, as afterall we’ve come here for a tour. As usual my suggestion my overlooked by karthick and he sought suggestions from the sardar..( yeah he got stickin around those guys, and an explanation for this.. “ namma alunga”).. and that sardar,.. I think his name is kulwinder( or spell it with a big G as big as his mouth), never stopped talking except for the OC beer he somehow managed to squander from the kazhakhstan guy( yeah another character.. name is zhomart..z is silent as he was always.. doing his PhD in Rocket propeller science.. hmmm ) . Let me also tell the other guys with us. One is Rajesh, tamil, some f* motherson company, short, plumpy..quite bossy. I hate this when he started asking the khazak guy about his country’s position now and before. That guy seemed not to talk politics while on a trip and tried to divert him, but this bossy guy was relentlessly asking questions and at one point the kazhak guy stopped talking. And one more character in our group, pugazhendi, tamil, lean, I think married(coz he didn’t even spend a single penny that whole day in Venice). And we together started exploring Venice.

Our first stop was San Marco or St. Mark’s Square. It is the city’s main place with a large open concrete space surrounded by the St. Mark’s Basilica, The Boge’s palace and the king’s museum and a Bell tower. The buildings are mostly gothic with impressions of Byzantines.. atleast that was my perception. I decided to look at the Boge’s Palace. 12 € per head, but I’ve decided. Karthick was hesitant, but he agreed to come with me hoping to take some “see me” snaps in the king’s robe. The Palace was a monumental building, itself being built at late 15th century, completed by three boges. We visited the different sections of the palace. The noteworthy of the kind was the Armory, with diverse kind of the middle age weapons ranging from the British long Bows(I don’t know how those Goths being primarily infantry, managed to get the long bow, the specialization of British weapon wizardry..) and cross bows to the wooden spears, long handed swords, double handed swords, not to mention the plate mail armour. I was awakened to the present world by this moron ( who ofcourse karthick..) urging me to follow our Indian friends(coz, our luggage’s been in the same cloak along with them and he didn’t want to miss his precious sandwich and apples). I reluctantly left the palace. Our indissch colleagues’ final opinion about the palace was “ 12 € waste” as per rajesh, “ 12 € not fully consumed” as per kulwinder. Morons.. My party is going to be spoiled…

It was already 11:00 am. Kulwinder started suggesting plans for the rest of the day. I’ll put’em in his own words, “ Firjt we’ll have clear plain. What I am trying to jay ij we’ll go to that temple on the other jide of the island(thank god s is silent here), then we’ll cover janta della maria, jo that we’ll be here atlast to the plaje where we jtarted” Man.. its like thrusting a hot rod into ur ears whenever he speaks.. Karthick agreed immediately and I…followed. The first stop was San Giorgia Maggiore( I know its difficult to pronounce it), standing directly opposite san marco covering the entire island. A great architecture, heard it was built by palladio himself.. I entered the church.. awe inspiring one.. a separate section for the choirs.. I had to spend some 50 cents to lit up the choirs( one peculiar way to squander money out of the tourists)..any way it was worth seeing. I was again dragged by karthick coz those guys were not interested and they were leaving already.. I don’t know why they planned to visit Venice at the first place.. then we hopped to another island san zaccaria.. with a church dedicated to St. Zaccaria. I suggested we move into the church.. but as usual overruled and was lead otherway. We started walking for 10 minutes..then for half an hour, and it seemed like we’d never stop. Atlast, thanks to those engineering guys blocking the beach way.. our marco polos found that was the end of the island and started walking back, atleast to my relief. I was then feeling very hungry.. these guys never seemed to have a stomach( atleast not the sardar, coz he’d packed chips from Stuttgart for 15 €, man…). Then I suggested, no declared I was hungry and we should find a nice pizzeria. All of them pored their faces over the map and started looking for a pizzeria in a map..

I decided that this aint gonna go anywhere and boarded a bus to santa della maria. We visited the famous basilica, but the guard seeing our way of dressing or some other thing, did not allow us into the church, though I had a peep into the church.. a real nice quiet place.. once common thing all these churches.. they are all ornamented with large organ pipes that create music as per laws of mechanics and electric or electronic stuff inside the church…

Karthick had now become the official explorer of our party.. Somehow he grabbed the Venice map somewhere.. he started leading us through the crisscrossing maze of Venetian streets.. at one point of time we seemed to be lost in the maze.. Atlast we found a cafĂ© that served pizza as well, ordered three margarita. Karthick as usual suggested we’d order first two margarita and if the wasn’t enough, then we could go for another one.. I grabbed the first one and finished up the whole thing..hehe.. now they have to order another one.. then I had espresso ( really good). Meanwhile the sardar guy and the kazhak guy had vanished somewhere , I think to have another beer. After the lunch we started our walk again through the streets of Venice.

One thing I must mention that I met a road side musician, who was playing his lute.. being myself a music lover, started listening to his play.. our guys were getting impatient.. then I had a little chat with him. He said he was a Hungarian, did his studies on classical guitar in hungary and he was then in Venice for a world musical tour. I bought a CD of him, offered my best wishes and looked at our guys.. you must see their faces.. I was really happy you know.. Being brought down to lighter mood I started talking with karthick as usual..

Then again we moved back to square one, I am sorry san marco square. We played with the pigeons dwelling there. The time was then 4:00 pm and we had covered almost all of Venice. Now we had to kill the time.. so we went for shopping. As usual karthick bought a “Venice ninaivaga” souvenir and I joined him. What a surprise! Those were the same we met at Mt. Titlis, yeah we met the lawyer from Chennai and his wife with his precious onsite paris son . They were so happy to meet us again. His son, like every SE onsite, asked about our assignement and our daily allowance.. and that’s all. We xchanged a few pleasantries and moved on( kai valikuthu, so I am going to finish it soon). Mean while the pughazendi guy had taken his 100th solo pose. Karthick should be ashamed..

And then the real 7.5 started. I suggested we’d better take a round trip of Venice so that the remining hours caould be spent or killed whatever.. To my astonishment karthick agreed. So we started our round trip. The time was then some quarter past five. That was a nice trip..realized we’d missed a lot.. but it was too late than, so had to move on. At 07:00 pm we reached san marco. Suddenly karthick disappeared out of vicinity. I searched for him around the square for ten minutes and decided that there is no point in searching him in the darkness. Also I didn’t have a chrono, so I was never aware of the running time.. when I reached one of the vaporetti stations, man.. The time was then 07:15 pm and the next bus to the car parking was only at 07:19. I was already warned by karthick that those ikarus guys would not wait for anyone. So I came to a conclusion that karthick should then be in the bus assuming I would be following him, as I was all through out the day.. So I boarded the 07:19 bus( atleast the Venetian transport system is punctual).. it took around some 25 minutes to reach the car parking. I could see karthick waiting or panicking at the station.. Meanwhile I had thought of other options.. to get a ticket to rome,spend the Sunday there.. but this is how it goes..

So, we boarded the bus at 7.50 and reached Stuttgart at 0500 hrs Sunday.. Thanks guys for being patient to read my full nonsense..hehe..

Write anything here: 2006-11-05

Write anything here: 2006-11-05

So..finally a blog too

Hi ppl,
This blog is primarily dedicated to the vetti guys of vnd. So vettivnd, start posting guys.. give it a kick start to your brain, burn whatever trash here.